
Sunday, May 18, 2014

WWE: Will John Cena Turn Heel in Feud With Bray Wyatt?

The closest thing that the WWE universe has seen from John Cena regarding a heel turn these days was during the Cena vs Bray Wyatt match at WrestleMania 30. Bray was able to use the negative reaction from the Cena haters to get into Cena's head and make him explode into a violent machine. I doubt that WWE will write even more heelish acts for their face of the company as it would upset many children fans and their parents which gives them less incentive to buy Cena's merchandise.

In 2012, evil Kane got into Cena's head and brought the monster out of him for a short period. Cena destroyed Jack Swagger in this video below. The Wyatt family should be able to do the same and turn Cena heel temporarily and I mean way more than that brief act at WrestleMania 30.

Bray finally got his win against the superman at Extreme Rules with the help from his Wyatt family, but he may lose at the Payback 2014 pay per view. This event may be the conclusion to the Wyatt/Cena feud and it is highly likely that Cena will prevail once again like he always does in the end. However, it would be nice to see a little more of heel Cena even if it means that he won't be pure heel. He would need to be forced to take Bray's orders either through some sort of mind control or as part of a deal with the Authority to humiliate the good guys in WWE. If the battle between John Cena and the Wyatts continues past Payback, then I will have a bit of hope in a semi-heel turn for Cena.


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