After the Over the Limit 2012 pay per view, the Big Show explained his actions for attacking John Cena and helping Mr. Laurinaitis win the match.
He told everyone that he loves his job in the WWE and he had to whatever it took in order to get re-hired. He also said that if anyone was in his shoes they would do the same thing.
I agree with this, but Big Show would eventually get his job back if John Cena defeated Laurinaitis and the WWE could put a better General Manager in charge. Maybe Teddy Long...or even Edge! Anyone nicer than Laurinaitis would most likely hire back the Big Show.
Instead, we have John Cena losing at Over the Limit and People Power still in place. Sure, Big Show got his job back (plus a huge bonus), but he aligned himself with Mr. Laurinaitis against the entire WWE universe. Why?

He claimed that everyone in the WWE and all the fans didn't care about him when he was fired. He showed footage of Brodus Clay dancing with kids in the ring, the segment that happened right after the job firing. Everyone was having fun without Big Show. This was enough for him to believe that his fans just moved on so easily like nothing happened.
As for the locker room, no one tried to confront Laurinaitis and demand that Big Show be re-hired. Especially not even John Cena, the top face of the company. He was one of Big Show's best friends and he let him down. To support this, Big Show then showed the footage of Cena acting like Jim Carrey and calling Mr. Laurinaitis a loser, or should I say, "LOOOOSEEERRR." The crowd was certainly enjoying it and laughed like crazy. But not Big Show. This just made him more upset.
I can see how these pieces of evidence explains why Big Show turned heel. However, they are not sufficient. He has not told us why he continues to side with Mr. People Power Laurinaitis... the man who put Big Show through so much pain and suffering... the man who FIRED Big Show in the first place.
There is no need to help Laurinaitis anymore. Big Show already got his job back. He is done with him. Why continue hanging out with a man that humuliated you? Just remember not to mess with Mr. Laurinaitis ever again. As for the heel turn, he can be a heel and hate the WWE universe on his own. Big Show doesn't need to be seen helping or being helped by ANYONE, but HIMSELF and him alone... because he is, after all, the BIG SHOW.
As for the locker room, no one tried to confront Laurinaitis and demand that Big Show be re-hired. Especially not even John Cena, the top face of the company. He was one of Big Show's best friends and he let him down. To support this, Big Show then showed the footage of Cena acting like Jim Carrey and calling Mr. Laurinaitis a loser, or should I say, "LOOOOSEEERRR." The crowd was certainly enjoying it and laughed like crazy. But not Big Show. This just made him more upset.
I can see how these pieces of evidence explains why Big Show turned heel. However, they are not sufficient. He has not told us why he continues to side with Mr. People Power Laurinaitis... the man who put Big Show through so much pain and suffering... the man who FIRED Big Show in the first place.
There is no need to help Laurinaitis anymore. Big Show already got his job back. He is done with him. Why continue hanging out with a man that humuliated you? Just remember not to mess with Mr. Laurinaitis ever again. As for the heel turn, he can be a heel and hate the WWE universe on his own. Big Show doesn't need to be seen helping or being helped by ANYONE, but HIMSELF and him alone... because he is, after all, the BIG SHOW.
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