
Friday, May 31, 2013

WWE: Do You Think Curtis Axel is BORING?

That new Paul Heyman guy is so boring. Who? I'm talking about Curtis Axel. He doesn't even look very threatening compared to Brock Lesnar. Even Heidenreich was a better client than Axel. And CM Punk looked cool with Heyman even though he didn't need a mouthpiece. It was just nice to have them paired together.

Axel is only a tall guy with muscles, but no where near as big as Heidenreich, Lesnar, Batista, or Triple H. You know who the better choice would be? Mason Ryan or Big E Langston. Those guys look the part of a big muscle beast that needs to be managed by Heyman. NOT Axel.

Now that they put the guy against Triple H and John Cena, where does he go from here? Why would you put a new character go against the top guys and work his way down? He'll lose momentum. This just goes to show how truly mediocre and incompetent the WWE writers are nowadays.

Axel will not get very far and will disappear. Trust me...He may become a jobber again or be a midcard champion, but that's all I predict about him. Eventually, the writers won't be able to create any better stories for the character and he will get lost in the roster with nowhere to go.

Jack Swagger is a better character than Axel as well. WWE, please don't ruin Paul Heyman's legacy. The company should have waited until Lesnar and CM Punk leave Heyman first. OR just don't give him any more clients. This is all getting repetitive. Lesnar and Heyman together are running out of steam already. Please give Lesnar something else to do and make him turn on Heyman!


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